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Service Information

How does the meter measure gas?

Your natural gas meter is an accurate automatic measuring instrument. It measures how much natural gas flows through it by counting the filling and emptying of compartments inside the metal case. Since each compartment fills with the same amount of gas every time, measurement is accurate. Because one compartment is emptied as another is being filled, the flow of gas to your appliances is uninterrupted.

Most Atmos Energy natural gas accounts are billed in 100 cubic foot increments, commonly abbreviated as CCF. Most Atmos Energy meters register usage in CCF increments. Each number on the dial farthest to the right indicates one CCF of usage.

The dials on a typical gas meter read from left to right. Use the number the dial hand has passed. When looking at your meter, the movement of the hand is determined by the direction that numbers on the dial increase.

How do I read a meter?

Read the dials from left to right, recording the lower number next to the dial hand. If the dial is between two numbers, take the lower of the two numbers. You can determine your gas usage by subtracting your last meter reading from your current reading.

How often do you read my meter?

 Atmos Energy reads residential, commercial and some industrial meters monthly. A monthly meter reading provides accurate data, ensuring that customers are only paying for the natural gas they use, not an estimated amount. In the event that the meter is not read, the customer will receive a bill that is calculated by considering past usage and adjusting it for that month's weather conditions. If this bill is incorrect, any over- or under-charge will be corrected the following month. That way, you will still be billed only for the gas you actually use. 

Should you have any questions on concerns about meter reading, please contact our Customer Support Center at 888.286.6700.

I received a termination notice but have already mailed my payment. What do I need to do?

 If you have received a termination notice but have made your payment, you can verify through the Account Center whether your payment has been applied to your account since the termination notice was mailed. We will not terminate your service on the date noted on your notice if your payment is posted by the workday preceding the scheduled termination date.

Through our Web site, you can verify whether your payment has been applied if your account is delinquent. Login to the Account Center to find the current balance on your account, plus the date and amount of your last payment received. Your account balance might indicate an outstanding amount that reflects other charges, such as late payment fees, that have been applied to your account since the mailing of your termination notice.

If the past due amount reflected on your termination notice is not posted on the Account Overview section, please follow the instructions on the termination notice you received.

What will it cost to turn my service back on if it is shut off due to nonpayment?

If your service has been disconnected for nonpayment, you may be required to pay the entire balance on your account, a reconnection fee, a returned check fee and a new or increased deposit before service can be restored. Please call a Customer Support Associate at 888-286-6700 for the exact amount you need to pay to restore your service. 

Whom do I contact regarding customer research issues?

If you have been asked to send payment verification information to our Customer Research Group because a payment does not appear on your account or the payment amount on your account is incorrect, please forward the requested information to:

Atmos Energy Corporation Attn: Customer Research P.O. Box 650205 Dallas, TX 75265-0205


Energy Assistance

Front of the Charles K. Vaughan center in Plano Texas

Atmos Energy is engaged in regulated utility operations. Atmos Energy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.