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Atmos Energy employee helping a child dressed in safety gear attaching pieces of yellow pipe on a felt board that hangs on the wall.

It's Affordable, Reliable, Safe and Efficient

Nearly 187 million Americans and 5.8 million businesses use natural gas because it is affordable, reliable, safe and efficient energy. It is most often used for heating and cooking and even for powering natural gas vehicles. It’s used in manufacturing too, as an ingredient in fabrics, pharmaceuticals, and other products, and for manufacturing processes like product melting, drying, and glazing. 

Natural gas system illustration

Looking Ahead

About 90 percent of the natural gas we use comes from the U.S. This is good for our country's energy independence, national security and jobs. Natural gas reserves are abundant and predicted to provide ample and affordable supply for decades to come. 

To learn more about natural gas visit the following websites:

Gas cooking
Gus the Gopher Call 811


    Atmos Energy is engaged in regulated utility operations. Atmos Energy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.