Atmos Energy Winter Preparations

Getting Your Home Winter Ready

Colder weather may impact the amount of natural gas you use. Using energy wisely and making a few household changes may produce a big difference in how much you spend on natural gas and other energy bills. Here are some tips to help you stay safe and conserve energy this winter: 


Winter Safety Tips

To help keep your home and family safe during winter weather follow these safety tips:

  • Never use an oven or a gas stovetop to heat your home.
  • Minimize the risk of frozen pipes. Leave faucets running at a trickle, leave cabinet doors open, and close all doors and windows to keep heat inside.
  • Make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms are in working condition. Learn more here.
  • Snow and ice buildup can damage gas meters and pipes and make them difficult to reach in an emergency.
  • Carefully remove snow and ice from meters and pipes by gently using a broom or brush.
  • Do not use ice-melting chemicals, salt, shovels, or sharp-edged tools. Never kick or chip snow and ice away with a hard object.
  • Make sure that external vents for dryers and other natural gas equipment are clear. Blocked vents for dryers and other gas appliances can lead to a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide gas. If you have questions about proper venting, contact a licensed plumber or qualified contractor.
  • Make sure the meter is visible to snowplow drivers if it is near a street or sidewalk.
  • Make sure snow and ice from your roof does not land on or bury your gas meter.  
  • Repair leaky gutters and make sure water does not drip onto the meter and freeze.
  • If you think you smell gas, act fast! Leave the area immediately and from a safe distance call 911 and the Atmos Energy emergency number at 866.322.8667.
  • For more home safety information, click here.

Energy Saving Tips

Because colder weather may impact the amount of natural gas you use, consider implementing these energy-saving tips where safe to do so:

  • Lower your thermostat to 68 degrees during the day and 58 degrees when you are away from home.
  • Reduce your shower and bath time. Showering and bathing can account for 40 percent of your home's hot water use. 
  • Operate your clothes washer, dryer, and dishwasher only when fully loaded. 
  • Unless a fire is burning, close your fireplace damper to prevent warm air from escaping up the chimney.
  • Do not use a pool heater. Instead, run your pool pump during the coldest part of the day to circulate the water and prevent freezing.
  • Customers in Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, and parts of Texas can take advantage of rebates on high-efficiency natural gas appliances, energy-saving devices, and weatherization upgrades. Click here to learn more about our SmartChoice Rebate program.
Rosie the Skunk with an Atmos' Energy hard hat on

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