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Mississippi Projects

Atmos Energy is committed to safely delivering affordable and reliable natural gas to Mississippi, for today and generations to come. Our pipeline upgrades support growth and economic development, in addition to helping families and communities thrive and prosper.

Since 2019, we have invested more than $387 million throughout Mississippi to enhance the safety and reliability of the natural gas system. 

Below are current and recently completed projects throughout Mississippi. Click on the icons for more information.

Natural Gas Pipeline Graphic

Service Line Replacements

We are replacing service lines in many neighborhoods. A service line is the pipe that runs from your street or alley to your natural gas meter.

Since 2019, we have replaced almost 25,000 service lines in Mississippi.

Distribution Main Replacements

Natural gas service is delivered to your home through a vast pipeline network that starts at a supply or storage facility. After leaving this facility, natural gas is transported through transmission lines to the Atmos Energy City Gate and into our distribution main lines. 

These pipelines are crucial to providing a dependable supply of natural gas for growing communities. Atmos Energy's distribution main pipelines and transmission pipelines are upgraded with new materials as pipelines age, customer demand increases and safety standards change.

Since 2019, we have replaced 258 miles of distribution pipeline in Mississippi. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you replacing pipelines?

Just like other important parts of the infrastructure in our communities, such as highways and bridges, natural gas pipelines need to be replaced over time.

We are upgrading aging infrastructure with newer pipe to increase the safety and reliability of our system. The new gas lines require less maintenance and meet all current safety requirements.

How can a project affect me?

You may notice Atmos Energy crews and contractors working in your neighborhood to install or replace pipelines. This process includes locating and marking various underground utilities such as water and cable, replacing main and service lines, relocating indoor meters to the outside of homes and restoring property to original or better condition. 

When construction starts, customers could experience a temporary disruption to their natural gas service. If this happens, we will talk with our customers on-site. If no one is home, we leave a door tag with next steps to restore service.

What if a project disrupts my yard?

Before work begins, we will record the entire construction path to document the condition of sidewalks, driveways, curbs, etc. to ensure any needed repairs will be made accurately. Initial restoration, such as leveling of surfaces, will be completed as the project progresses.  

When upgrading our natural gas lines, residents will see us working in streets and yards. This may include cutting holes in streets and driveways, plus  digging in some yards. While work is  going on, we will make temporary  repairs to yards and sidewalks. When the work is complete, we will make arrangements with customers and residents to restore affected areas to their previous conditions.

How can I ask a question?

To get in touch with an Atmos Energy representative, click here to fill out a form. Someone will get back with you within two business days. 

MS hardhat employees
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Atmos Energy is engaged in regulated utility operations. Atmos Energy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.