Line F18 is part of the pipeline system delivering natural gas to the neighborhoods designated in the map below. We have been replacing aging underground pipelines as part of our continuing effort to enhance the safety and reliability of our natural gas pipeline system.
Starting in fall 2020, we will be replacing the high-pressure natural gas pipeline, designated by Atmos Energy as Line F18. Our goal is to be complete by April 2021.
This will enable us to continue safely serving the growing number of new homes and businesses in your neighborhood and the greater DFW area for generations to come.
The following plants are allowed on Atmos Energy’s right of way. These plants have less than 4’ growth potential and a non-intrusive root system. They are also local to the North Texas climate.
Atmos Energy Approved Vegetation
Groundcover |
Perennial | Ornamental Grass | Shrub |
Ajuga |
Autumn Salvia |
Berkeley's Sedge | Agave |
Asian Jasmine |
Black-Eyed-Susan |
Gulf Muhly | American BeautyBerry |
Creeping Juiper |
Blackfoot Daisy |
Hameln's Fountain | Barberry |
Creeping Rosemary |
Blue Mealy Sage |
Mexican Feather | Cast Iron Plant |
Lirope, regular or giant |
Calylophus |
Color Guard Yucca | |
Mondo Grass |
Cone Flower |
Compact Nandina | |
Purple Euonymus |
Creeping Lantana |
Drift Rose | |
Daylily |
Dwarf Boxwood | ||
Dwarf Mexican Petunia |
Dwarf Chinese Holly | ||
Flame Acanthus |
Dwarf Indian Hawthorn | ||
Garden Phlox |
Dwarf Spiera | ||
Gaura |
Dwarf Variegated | ||
Holly Fern |
Dwarf Yaupon Holly | ||
Lamb’s Ear |
Flirt Nandina | ||
Wood Fern |
Harbor Dwarf Nandina | ||
Miniature Crape Myrtle | |||
Rose Creek Abelia | |||
Rosemary | |||
Spreading Yew | |||
Variegated Abelia | |||
Wheeler’s Dwarf |
Frequently Asked Questions- Line F18 Replacement 2020
(City of Denton)
Pipelines are among the safest and most efficient means of transporting natural gas according to National Transportation Safety Board statistics. In the United states alone, there are over 300,000 miles of natural gas transmission pipeline in use every day. These transmission pipelines are larger than distribution lines, yet they are essential to delivering energy to your home.
Who is Atmos Energy?
If you have natural gas service in your home, it is very likely that Atmos Energy is your natural gas provider. Atmos Energy is headquartered in Dallas and traces its roots in this area back to the early 1900s as Lone Star Gas. Today Atmos Energy serves over three million natural gas distribution customers in eight states from the Blue Ridge Mountains in the East to the Rocky Mountains in the West. Atmos Energy also manages one of the largest intrastate natural gas pipeline systems in Texas. You can find out more about our company at
I thought natural gas pipelines were only located in streets and alleys. How is this pipeline different?
Pipelines that deliver gas to residences and businesses within city limits are most often smaller diameter “distribution” lines, and these are usually located under streets and alleys. However, there are also larger diameter “transmission” lines that typically operate at higher pressures and are located in private easements. This particular pipeline is a transmission line located within a private easement.
Why is this pipeline being replaced?
As with all infrastructure, pipeline infrastructure must be replaced from time to time to ensure its safety and to support the growth in the DFW area. The replacement of this pipeline, portions of which were originally constructed almost 65 years ago, will ensure continued safe and reliable service to our customers.
When will the project begin and how long will it last?
Engineering is already underway, and detailed survey as well as subsurface utility studies along the right-of-way began in early July 2020. Right-of-way pre-paration and preconstruction activities will begin in late 2020, with actual construction beginning in approximately January 2021. Physical construction is expected to take approximately four months. As with all construction projects of this size, it is possible that these dates will change – we will do our best to keep you posted if this occurs. Also, please note that because of our construction sequencing, some areas along the pipeline will construction begin sooner than others.
How will my property be affected?
The answer depends on several factors, including the location of your property in relation to the pipeline and the location of any obstacles/encroachments within the right-of-way. Once the detailed survey and engineering work is complete, affected property owners will be contacted to discuss the impact on their individual properties and any impact on adjacent streets and alleys. However, you should be aware that along a significant portion of this pipeline replacement project, there will be excavation within the right-of-way. This will require that all obstacles/encroachments within the right-of-way be removed, at least for the duration of construction. We will work with individual landowners to determine how this will affect their property and what steps can be taken to minimize any impact.
I didn’t know about this pipeline until just now – what has Atmos Energy done to make residents aware of this?
The pipeline easement is a publicly recorded document and pipeline rights-of-way are often shown on subdivision plats. The pipeline itself is identified by pipeline markers that show the approximate location of the pipeline. Each pipeline marker contains information that identifies the company that operates the pipeline, the product transported and a phone number that should be called in the event of an emergency. Federal law requires these markers to be placed along the right-of-way and also prohibit anyone from tampering with, defacing, damaging or removing a pipeline marker. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Pipeline Safety has developed the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) to provide information about gas transmission operators and their pipelines. The NPMS website is searchable by zip code, or by county and state, and can display a county map that is printable. Please go to for more information.
What is the difference between an easement and a right-of-way?
The easement that affects your property is a written agreement, recorded in the public records, that grants a property right to Atmos Energy or its predecessor to allow it to construct, operate and maintain one or more pipelines across a particular property. It is a perpetual right that “runs with the land” and is binding on current property owners, even if property was or conveyed from the original landowner who granted the easement. The right-of-way is the specific area identified in the easement within which Atmos Energy can construct, operate and maintain its facilities. In some cases, rights-of-way are defined to a specific distance (for example, fifty or seventy-five feet wide), but can also be undefined (i.e. blanket). A survey is usually required to see exactly how the right-of-way affects a particular property. Rights-of-way are sometimes shown on plats with local governments, although they are not always accurate. The easement itself will tell you the extent of the right-of way.
Will you need to clear trees from the pipeline right-of-way?
Given that excavation will occur within the right-of-way, yes. Over time, tree growth inhibits Atmos Energy’s ability to access the pipeline quickly in the event of an emergency, conduct required right-of-way surveillance and leak surveys, and perform routine maintenance in accordance with required federal/state inspections. In order to perform these critical activities, pipeline maintenance personnel must be able to easily and safely access the pipeline right-of-way, as well as areas on either side of the pipeline. Keeping trees, shrubs, buildings, fences and other structures and encroachments well away from the pipelines promotes maintenance of pipeline integrity and safety. In addition, the root systems of many trees and large shrubs can grow against or around pipelines damaging the coating and even denting the pipeline. That type of underground damage can result in leaks and potential harm to the public. To avoid such damage, Atmos Energy needs to remove trees for the right-of-way.
What will happen to other features such as fences, decks, carports and landscaping that are located within the right-of-way?
Each encroachment will be reviewed on a case by case basis to evaluate the impact to Atmos Energy’s ability to construct this particular project, as well as its ongoing ability to operate, maintain and repair the new pipeline in the future. If the encroachment does not pose a risk and does not interfere with operations, maintenance and replacement of the pipeline, an Encroachment Agreement will be presented to each landowner. The landowner will be asked to sign the agreement, acknowledging that the encroachment can remain for the time being and ensuring Atmos Energy’s right to remove the encroachment in the future, if necessary. If the encroachment does impede and affect Atmos Energy’s ability to carry out operations, maintenance and replacement of the pipeline, the landowner will be given the opportunity to have the encroachment removed. If the encroachment is not removed in a timely manner, Atmos Energy will remove the encroachment.
How will this affect my neighborhood?
During the physical construction phase, temporary traffic re-routes may be necessary to accommodate construction equipment. Work will be performed under local ordinances and standards to minimize disruption. Atmos Energy is working with municipal services.
Have the City Denton and Denton County officials been notified of this work?
Yes. Both staff and elected officials have been informed about this project. Atmos Energy will be closely coordinating such work as project plans are finalized.
Are there other issues about the pipeline right-of-way that I should be aware of?
Yes. Keeping trees, shrubs, fences and buildings off the right-of-way are essential for effective monitoring and safe operation. Even temporary buildings can inhibit inspection of the pipeline.
Atmos Energy is engaged in regulated utility operations. Atmos Energy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.