Atmos Energy employees deliver backpacks to local school

A strong education system is critical to maintaining a healthy and thriving economy. In the Colorado communities of Greeley and Evans, the Success Foundation Serving District 6 strives to address the widening gap between government funding and the escalating expenses of educating local children. Gathering resources that enhance educational opportunities and prepare students for success, not just for college but also for a career, is vital to the Success Foundation’s vision of alignment between its community and School District 6. The nonprofit organization endeavors to work toward a strong and healthy community by becoming the foundation for advancing youth education. 

The origins of Success Foundation began with its founding in 2010, as it sought to equip students in local schools with the same resources and opportunities as surrounding districts. Initially, the foundation partnered with the Weld Community Foundation to provide proper oversight in fundraising and fiscal management. In 2014, the Success Foundation received its own 501(c)(3) status, and by 2016, it became fully independent while taking over its own fundraising and fiscal management. To date, more than $7.3 million has been raised as the foundation serves 33 public and charter schools with more than 22,600 students through the Greeley-Evans School District 6.  

Although the Success Foundation operates independently, it works in close collaboration with District 6 to effectively allocate the funding its donors provide. In fact, its donors and the entire community play a critical role in supporting the educational system with established priorities and goals that provide opportunities for local students which may not otherwise exist. Together with District 6, the Success Foundation not only accomplishes work equal to other districts but is leading the way in many student initiatives. Current initiatives include: 

  • SmartLab Project - A hands on, project-based approach integrating STEM disciplines. 

  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center – Programs offered in construction, cosmetology, early childhood education, and information technology to name a few. 

  • Nutrition services – The Food4Success Campaign was established to pay off student meal debt and will now fund school food pantries. 

  • Delia and John W. Opportunity Fund - Created to close gaps in equity and remove financial barriers for students. 

  • Innovative Learning Grants – Up to $2,500 grants available for staff members in support of innovative learning and arts projects. 

  • Directed Gifts/Grants - Donations that are accepted and pledged toward a purpose directly specified by the donor. 

Since 2015, Atmos Energy has been actively involved in the foundation contributing nearly $70,000 in support of the Success Foundation. During the pandemic, Atmos Energy provided critical funding for COVID relief assistance including a significant contribution to the foundation’s Nutrition Services Department. 

“Atmos Energy’s generosity helped provide emergency meals for students in need while our schools were closed,” said Executive Director Julie Hill. “Atmos Energy has been a loyal partner of the Success Foundation, and we are grateful for the positive impact they continue to make on our students through their Fueling Safe and Thriving Communities initiative.” 

Along with sponsoring its annual events, Atmos Energy has provided funds for the Success Foundation’s SmartLab Project. Twenty-two SmartLabs are being installed at all elementary, middle, and K-8 schools which allow students to build a foundation in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines.    

If you would like to help boost student achievement and strengthen the communities in Greeley and Evans, visit to donate. Your generosity will empower the Success Foundation to provide students with exceptional learning environments.

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