Atmos Energy partnered with Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity and the Schlessman Family Foundation to build a ZNE home in Evans, Colorado. This house will provide a family with an energy efficient and comfortable home that leverages natural gas and renewable energy that meet Colorado's climate goals while lowering utility bills.
Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity, Schlessman Family Foundation, Rinnai, Namasté Solar, and Energy Logic.
Frankie Rodriguez is a hard-working single mother who is raising her four children that includes her adult son with special needs and one grandchild. She has been renting an apartment for 30 years and considers this home to be a dream come true. Frankie also looks forward to contributing to the construction of their home, which provides a sense of accomplishment and creates an additional connection to the home.
Atmos Energy and Greeley-Weld Habitat for Humanity Unveil “Zero Net Energy” Home - News Release
Atmos Energy is engaged in regulated utility operations. Atmos Energy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.